Categories for Uncategorized

September 6, 2019

News from the Moble Garden

The high notes of Spring are throughout the garden, I am drinking the scent in like a good wine, though I assure you I drink wine through my mouth, not


August 30, 2019

News from the Moble Garden

Unconventional Lady. Could there be a more outlandish name for a pink rose? Certainly, with a description such as “glowing cherry”, one could be excused for raising an eyebrow. However


August 23, 2019

News from the Moble Garden

The August wind blows, as it should. The cold south-westerly marks this month with a freeze brand, just when you thought you felt a warm breath of spring on your


August 16, 2019

News from the Moble Garden

The garden would be a child’s dream this last week, for the butterflies have suddenly arrived and have filled the air with a fluttering of pale lemon. Butterflies and moths


August 9, 2019

News from the Moble Garden

The Impatient Gardener, previously known as Miss Moble, has been wielding a shovel in her garden of late. She finds it much easier digging there than on fence lines, unsurprisingly.


August 2, 2019

News from the Moble Garden

Is there anything more comforting and entrancing than an open fire? Surely there is something primaeval in us all that draws us to its warmth? It is so satisfying in


July 26, 2019

News from the Moble Garden

There has been much in the media here of late on resilience; I listened to a thoughtful interview only this week on the topic, especially with regards to children. As


July 19, 2019

News from the Moble Garden

Whilst I have made a promise to myself not to mention the mundane in my ramblings to you, I must tell you the spider’s web just above my desk that